You can customize the look of your website by going to "Hi Name --> Organization". Once there you can set:
Click on the "Background" link and fill out the form. You must have a background image to use. Give the image file a name and select "Choose File" to locate the image file on your computer or phone. Once done then press "Upload" to complete.
The theme of your website corresonds to the color of your top naviagation bar and the color of your buttons. To set the theme click on "Select Themed Layout" to choose from a list of available themes. Once you have chosen a theme click "Submit" to use that theme in your website.
If you do not like that color layout come back and select a different theme. Feel free to try out different color schemes.
Click on "Set Logo" to set the logo on your website. The logo is the icon that appears in the upper left your website.
Provide a name for you logo and select "Choose file" to select an image from your phone or computer. Once you have completed that select "Upload" to complete.